First Look Sponsorship Levels
" I AM Confident" $1,000 Sponsorship (2 Available)
10 VIP Tickets
Early Entry
Reserved front table Seating
Complimentary Wine and hors d’oeuvres.
Gift Box
Sponsorship acknowledgment in all promotional materials, social media, and projector screen run time before, after, and during intermission.
" Runway Walk" $500 Sponsorship (2 Available)
5 VIP Tickets
Early Entry
Reserved premium table Seating
Gift Box
Complimentary Wine and hors d’oeuvres.
Sponsorship acknowledgment in all promotional materials, social media, and projector screen run time before, after, and during intermission.
"Loving Me First” $300 Sponsorship (4 Available)
2 VIP Tickets
Early Entry
Reserved Seating
Gift Bag
Sponsorship acknowledgment in all promotional materials, and social media.
Digital/ Program Ads
Screen Ads: $200 Ad displayed on projector screen before, during intermission.
Program Ad:
Full Page 8.5 x 11 (Color) : $125
Full Page 8.5 x 11 (Black & White Only): $100
Half Page 5.5 x 8.5 (Black & White Only): $50
Business card 3.5 x 2 $10
Patrons: Name listed in program
GOLD: $25
Shoutouts: $5 (20-word limit)
Contact us to place your business ad.